Vocal Type: Mezzo-Soprano
Vocal Range: 4 Octaves
Highest Note: C7
Highest Belt: G5
Lowest Note: Bb2
Voice Analysis- Technical Aspects:
Wide vocal range, and a well connected voice that can easily transcends from chest to head. Capable of singing in the whistle register by using her falsetto to imitate whistle tones.
Full and beautiful. However, Christina tends to purposely lower the larynx when singing, making the voice much heavier than it would normally be. Good vibrato.
Belts are well-supported and well-placed. However, as she tends to chest-drag to the extent that she is literally shouting, she tends to clunk heavily in the chest voice, causing her voice to have a coarseness in the upper belted notes.
Expert at executing runs with flexibilty, phrasing and accuracy. However, her runs lack musicality especially when she oversings and embellishes almost the entire song.
Good pitch live.
In a Nutshell...
Thick, velvety tone that is heavy and powerful. Fast melismas that are executed cleanly. The voice is full of soul throughout the range. One of the most naturally gifted singers.
Unhealthy technique used when belting, causing her voice to be unable to belt a high note without it producing an unpleasant noise. She chest drags too much, almost in every performance the moment she belts. Please develop and use a healthy chest-dominant mix. Her runs are overused and lack musicality. Some say that her whistle notes are too breathy and not piercing enough to be considered whistle tones and is a falsetto instead.
Christina is NOT Level 4, especially based on the positives and negatives. She should be Level 2. She and Adele are NOT AT ALL equal to Lady Gaga. Adele should be at Level 2, if not Level 1. Also, I would put Taylor Swift at Level 2 or 3 instead of 1, and Celine is a Level 3.